
Defend natural healthcare & fight the EU ban

Did you know our choice to take vitamins and supplements is about to be taken away from us? Fight the ban.

EU Ban
The law has been seeping into UK & European legislation since January 2010 and comes into full force this April, 2011.

 Joining Hands for Health is an independent, non profit campaign intending to encourage everyone to consider a more natural way of life, using natural solutions where possible. Currently they are fighting the fearful, secretive behaviour of the EU, which has signed a secret law with the UK government to ban vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, superfoods and some therapies.
  • If the EU legislation is successful tried and tested products like collodial silver, vitamin C, zinc, acupuncture, herbal essences, flower remedies and known super foods will all become unavailable.
Even if you don't believe in holistic medicine -  you have a choice to partake or not, but under the EU directives, your freedom of choice will be removed.

Did you know?
The big pharmaceuticals want to ban the continued growth of aloe vera? Because it's natural, safe healing properties threaten their profits!

We Become Silent, 'The last days of health freedom part one' is directed by Kevin P. Miller and narrated by Dame Judi Dench
We become Silent part two