
Natural cures for digestion problems

Indigestion and its related complaints of heartburn, flatulence and constipation are common conditions around Christmas, even for the most healthy of people.

But if you are a regular sufferer of digestive disorders, occasions such as parties & family gatherings can be a time of silent anxiety - all those polite nibbles and pastries may taste good at first, but play havoc with your insides for hours afterwards.

Digestive disorders occur when there is an intolerance to certain foods (a lactose intolerance can be easily confused with indigestion so begin by examining your milk and dairy intake), or when you have eaten too quickly.

The stomach of the intestines cannot convert foods into soluble substances. As a result, the undigested food cannot enter the bloodstream and causes constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps, heartburn, acid indigestion etc. But with a little forward thinking, you can ease the discomfort quite naturally.

Natural remedies can be taken at various times - if you suffer from heartburn or indigestion regularly, you may prefer to take a preventative before a meal. For others, it may be wise to wait until you feel the onset, then swallow a soother. While other home remedies will help reduce the length and intensity of your heartburn or indigestion

Pre food
If you know you are prone to heartburn or indigestion then consuming certain foods to prepare your digestive tract will help:
  • drink a small glass of pineapple juice
  • eat raw ginger
  • chew a handful of raisins
  • drink aloe vera juice
  • sip lemon juice in hot water to fight bacteria causing indigestion
  • add two tables spoons of distilled white wine, or apple cider vinegar to a glass of water

Pain relief
  • mix 1/2 teaspoon bicarb of soda with water, and add two tablespoons of apple cider or white wine vinegar to make your own home remedy Alka Selzter
  • swallow a spoonful of runny honey - an ancient cure for stomach trouble
  • add two tables spoons of distilled white wine, or apple cider vinegar to a glass of water - a good cure as well as preventative
  • eating  handful or raw, unsalted raw almonds eases heartburn
How to avoid
If you've been suffering digestive related problems for a long time, it may be wise to examine your nutrition and dietary habits.
  • Do you drink gaseous, carbonated drinks? 
  • Eat spicy foods 
  • Eat quickly and not chew enough
  • Are you lactose intolerant
  • Monitor when and how you get heartburn or indigestion. Which foods? Keep a notebook and observe your progress as you eliminate types of foods and drinks
  • Sit up after eating, don't sleep
  • Get plenty of fresh air, water and exercise