
Trouble sleeping? Try this 5-step natural plan

Not having enough sleep is a serious concern and has huge consequences on our health.

Our bodies don't rest, recover or regenerate properly and our mind continues its incessant chatter. So whether it's due to illness, aches & pains, stress, depression, exam nerves, insomnia or you simply don't feel tired, here's 5 natural steps to a better night's sleep.

Step one: According to the ancient laws of Feng Shui, the position of our beds in relation to doors and windows has a subtle but profound effect on our sleep patterns.
  • Consider the layout of your bedroom - drafts, noisy pipes, neighbours etc - do you need to sound proof your room?
  • De-clutter under or around the bed. 'Stuff' can be detrimental to a good night's sleep. For specific Feng Shui bedroom tips, click here 

Step two: Find a way to relax before going to bed. This will be different for everybody but essential to establish.
  • Turn off the TV and listen to soft music to calm your mind or download free sleep music
  • Line your curtains & darken your room to limit sensory awareness
  • Have a warm bath with soothing essential oils such as lavender or rosewood or burn some by your bed to calm the air
  • Jot down your thoughts in a journal - this off loads your mind and clears your head before bed
Step three: Take Valerian (nature's valium - non addictive).
  • Valerian is the base ingredient for most 'sleep' tablets and teas and is a harmless way of instructing your nervous system to relax. It works best if taken consecutively rather than on and off - try it for 3 weeks
  • Or drink a cup of relaxing tea such as chamomile, or honey and hot water or a specifically blended 'sleep' tea such Pukka night time tea

Step four:  Once in bed learn to relax your mind and surrender your body
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths
  • Starting at your crown and moving slowly down to your eyes, nose, mouth etc, visualise each part of your body relaxing as your jaw unclenches, your face muscles soften.
  • Move into your neck & shoulders and imagine white or golden light moving through your body.
  • Work down your body, gradually feeling each limb surrender.
  • The Sleep Disorder Centre has more relaxation tips

Step five: Sleep! But be patient. You may need time to adjust to your new techniques so don't give up if you wake up soon or have difficulty nodding off.

If you still experience problems consider your bed, mattress and pillow - Is it comfy? Old? Too soft? Too hard? Do you need a different type to your partner? Are you are sleeping on organic cotton, free from synthetic materials and chemicals? Are you warm enough? Too hot? Too cold?

Sleep is a serious matter and can have deep seated psychological patterns. The Royal College of Psychiatrists is an excellent resource for sleep related queries and solutions.