Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, with 50% of it found in our bones. It is essential for us to function healthily, but many of us lack this basic of ingredients without realising it.
If you go into your local health food shop you will see a plethora of brands selling magnesium products - gels, oils, salts and tablets. Why? Because many common disorders result from magnesium deficiency.
What does it do? - It is used in over 300 biochemical bodily reactions and:
How do I get it?
Ensure your body has a natural supply of magnesium by eating the right foods - spinach, beans, peas, seeds, nuts, whole grain breads. For a full list of foods and their magnesium content click here.
But you can boost your body intake with products like Ancient Minerals which are derived from a pristine source of natural magnesium about 2 miles beneath the earth's core. If you have aches or cramps, just apply a small amount of the oil or gel to the area and it should start to relieve. The body always uses higher wisdom and takes just what it needs.
Skin application versus oral tablet?
Essentially how you take it is up to you, but the recommendation is to ensure you are getting it!
Ancient Minerals have stacks of useful information on magnesium's properties and health benefits.
If you go into your local health food shop you will see a plethora of brands selling magnesium products - gels, oils, salts and tablets. Why? Because many common disorders result from magnesium deficiency.
- leg cramps
- muscle twitches
- foot pain
- insomnia
- migraines
- low energy
- weak bones
- fatigue
What does it do? - It is used in over 300 biochemical bodily reactions and:
- Maintains muscle and nerve function
- Ensures a steady heart rhythm
- Supports the immune system
- Strengthens bones
- Regulates blood sugar & promotes healthy blood pressure
How do I get it?
Ensure your body has a natural supply of magnesium by eating the right foods - spinach, beans, peas, seeds, nuts, whole grain breads. For a full list of foods and their magnesium content click here.
But you can boost your body intake with products like Ancient Minerals which are derived from a pristine source of natural magnesium about 2 miles beneath the earth's core. If you have aches or cramps, just apply a small amount of the oil or gel to the area and it should start to relieve. The body always uses higher wisdom and takes just what it needs.
Skin application versus oral tablet?
- Dietary magnesium is absorbed through the small intestines and excreted via the kidneys so people with (knowingly or not) digestive tract problems may not process the full intake.
- The skin absorbs products very easily (hence the need for caution using chemical infused skincare). Once a gel or oil is applied to the skin, the minerals are carried around the circulatory system where the tissues can access whatever therapeutic level then need.
Essentially how you take it is up to you, but the recommendation is to ensure you are getting it!
Ancient Minerals have stacks of useful information on magnesium's properties and health benefits.