
How Reiki calms a confused mind

Spring brings desires to let go of old habits and start afresh with new ideas.  So I made a list, very neat. I thought about priority, not so neat. And while my list was tidy my mind was not.

I just wanted to take action on a couple of practical concerns regarding house, work & money - mundane stuff, but somehow knowing what I wanted to to was a million miles away from knowing how to do. So I went to visit a reiki healer for a mental de-fuzz.

As a master of Usui and Karuna reiki, you'd maybe think I wouldn't need to seek out another professional, that the 'physician should heal thyself', but when the mind's in a tizz, it doesn't matter how much you know - knowledge can inhibit action.  I wanted to take action, and from experience I've learned that reiki can offer quick fix practical solutions as well as long term pattern adjustments.

Reiki experience
 Sarah Rose, a reiki practitioner,  was curious to know why I might be seeking her help, not helping myself, but I believe surrender is the first step to recovery. Her manner was gently unassuming and unlike other reiki healers she did not want to go through a lengthy consultation sheet.
"I prefer to stay detached and get out of the way," she said.

I had a direct and specific issue in mind relating to a job so I focused on that throughout the session.  It was simple - no grandiose gestures on her part, no plinky plonky music, just silence and the power of the reiki energy to assist my decision making.

In just under 40 minutes, Sarah had worked around my fully clothed body, using her hands to channel the energy while I lay in absolute surrender. And I could have sworn she was on my right side, but when I opened my eyes she was clearly stood to the left of me.

When we finished she didn't proclaim any diagnostic, or prognosis of my mental anguish, neither did she speculate about hot or cold energy as some reiki healers do. "I don't try to feel things. I just let the energy do the way," she said, which was refreshing as I know mnay reiki healer who love to prescribe what every twitch and sensation might be.  Two days later, I had absolute certainty about how to proceed and the courage to put ideas into action.

Distant healing
If you want to experience reiki with Sarah, she offer free distant healing and has found success with physiological conditions particularly joint wounds, knee problems and relaxtion. You can subscribe to her Facebook group, ask and she will send it to you. Alternatively she will answer any reiki questions online too.

Reiki and the mind 
Reiki can be difficult to explain but easy to experience. Putting into our exuberant but limited language the benefits of the cosmic life force that binds all beings - mind, body and spirit - is a tricky affair. So I won't. But I will say that as a tool for gaining clarity of mind, experience has shown me that reiki is first class.

Is that because I want it to work? Can reiki work on non-believers? That's another issue entirely - we live in a vibrational universe whereby our thought patterns create our reality - so somewhere along the line I've opted for the believers camp and got the results I needed.  But need and want are often opposing and sometimes a reiki session rewards with harsh awakening, or tough lessons rather than fairy goodness.

Reiki isn't some wishy washy friend that helps when you think nice thoughts about it - it's hard and fast, unblinkered chi, Qi, prana, Ki cosmic energy, which last time I looked up in science manuals doesn't have an opinion. It just is. And it works.