Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Or so it may seem as facts and figures about the toxicity of tap water are frequently dripped into the media. Which can be a problem when you want to drink your 2 litres a day
Which type of water for me?
We have plenty to choose from - straight from the tap, bottled, filtered, alkaline, carbonated, room temperature, cold, flavoured etc - the list is endless
However, scientists and health professionals do concur that the acid alkaline balance of the body is essential for good health.
Alkaline in our diet
The high acid content, acidosis, in our modern diets is understood, by many health care practitioners, to be the cause of gradual increase in illness and disease. Because our blood has a slight alkaline content - a pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45 - our nutrition and diet should mirror this.
'The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause.... too much tissue acid waste in the body!'
So unless you're on, or are thinking of starting an alkaline diet, drinking alkaline water is the surest way to get your ratios in balance and your body, and therefore your mind, feeling good.
NOTE - healthy foods are often acid high!
Such as soy beans, cashews, kidney beans and blueberries so switching to an alkaline diet is not going to be easy. Drinking alkaline water is much easier. For a full list of acid/alkaline foods, click here.
Conditions like osteoporosis, and weight loss are directly linked to high acid levels in the body, while other illness such as cancer, chronic fatigue and diabetes can also benefit from a balanced PH level. Blood pressure should drop with a 2-3 month continued consumption of alkaline water, because it dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels. Click here for articles on health issues
Alkaline v filtered water
First let's be clear that ordinary filtered tap water, while it may have run through a sophistcated filter is not, by default, alkaline water. There are numerous methods of filtering tap water to create a cleaner drink, a fresher taste, more soft, less chalk, more calcium etc - and all of these will make your tap water more palatable and better for your health - but this is not the same as drinking alkaline water.
How do I get alkaline water?
If you want to drink this amber nectar and flush out toxins, neutralise your body's acidity and fight the harmful free radicals roaming around your system, you will need an alkaliser.
Body Alkaliser - put a drop or twp in your glass of water and the PH level will harmonise so you drink alkaline water. A discreet bottle ideal for busy people on the move.
Chanson miracle Ionizer - not so much miracle as modern science, but nevertheless, this converter is small (and a tad ugly), easy to use but requires setup and running costs.
Biocera Alkaline Jug filter
You can easily replace your current filter jug with this alkaliser. Yes it costs more, as do the cartridges, but the health benefits far outweigh the price.
There are numerous contraptions designed to fit under your sink that will alkalise your water, and if you're set on changing your drinking habits, it may be worthy investment.
If you're still wondering about chilled or room temp water - drink room temp. Your body absorbs the minerals easier and it is softer on you insides than crisp sold water.
If you want to know more, download the ebook from Water for Health have an e-booklet you can download here
Which type of water for me?
We have plenty to choose from - straight from the tap, bottled, filtered, alkaline, carbonated, room temperature, cold, flavoured etc - the list is endless
However, scientists and health professionals do concur that the acid alkaline balance of the body is essential for good health.
Alkaline in our diet
The high acid content, acidosis, in our modern diets is understood, by many health care practitioners, to be the cause of gradual increase in illness and disease. Because our blood has a slight alkaline content - a pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45 - our nutrition and diet should mirror this.
- A balanced acid alkaline PH level will slow down the aging process, keep your body properly oxygenated, and provide high levels of energy and immunity.
'The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause.... too much tissue acid waste in the body!'
Dr Theodore Baroody author of Alkalize or Die
So unless you're on, or are thinking of starting an alkaline diet, drinking alkaline water is the surest way to get your ratios in balance and your body, and therefore your mind, feeling good.
NOTE - healthy foods are often acid high!
Such as soy beans, cashews, kidney beans and blueberries so switching to an alkaline diet is not going to be easy. Drinking alkaline water is much easier. For a full list of acid/alkaline foods, click here.
Conditions like osteoporosis, and weight loss are directly linked to high acid levels in the body, while other illness such as cancer, chronic fatigue and diabetes can also benefit from a balanced PH level. Blood pressure should drop with a 2-3 month continued consumption of alkaline water, because it dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels. Click here for articles on health issues
Alkaline v filtered water
First let's be clear that ordinary filtered tap water, while it may have run through a sophistcated filter is not, by default, alkaline water. There are numerous methods of filtering tap water to create a cleaner drink, a fresher taste, more soft, less chalk, more calcium etc - and all of these will make your tap water more palatable and better for your health - but this is not the same as drinking alkaline water.
- Alkaline water has to be treated, made alkaline. Tap water is not naturally alkaline.
How do I get alkaline water?
If you want to drink this amber nectar and flush out toxins, neutralise your body's acidity and fight the harmful free radicals roaming around your system, you will need an alkaliser.

Biocera Alkaline Jug filter

There are numerous contraptions designed to fit under your sink that will alkalise your water, and if you're set on changing your drinking habits, it may be worthy investment.
If you're still wondering about chilled or room temp water - drink room temp. Your body absorbs the minerals easier and it is softer on you insides than crisp sold water.
If you want to know more, download the ebook from Water for Health have an e-booklet you can download here