
The health benefits of hand cream

Beautiful days with crisp air are take their toll on our hands.  Cracked or chapped skin, wrinkled or loose skin, splitting nails, blisters... the change in weather and the addition of autumn winds can leave your hands feeling as dry as a fallen leaf.

But regular application of quality, paraben free hand cream can have enormous health benefits, not only soothing your skin, but repairing it as well as boosting your body and mind.

Our skin
  • The skin is the largest organ in the body -  a living, regenerating and responsive organ.
  • Our bodies absorb around 60% of what we put on our skin through the process of bioaccumulation
Some medicines act more swiftly when applied locally - think nicotine or hormone patches - as the ingredients get straight into the blood stream. So too with moisturisers and body lotions - the product is absorbed and its elements taken into the body to be used or eliminated - therefore it is wise to use organic, healthy products

Our hands
With fewer oil glands than other parts of the body, but subjected to frequent washing, our hands can easily become dry and sore. If left unchecked, this can lead to dermatitis - redness, cracking, itching.

Health benefits of hand cream
Use a good hand cream and you're not only rubbing on a moisturiser,  you may also be treating your body to:
  • a variety of therapeutic essential oils like rose, lavender, jasmine
  • hemp oils high in Omega 3,6,9
  • restorative minerals
  • fatty acids
  • herbs such as calming chamomile or uplifting nettle

How & when to apply
Slapping on hand cream as you dash out the door will have some effect, but making time to apply with care will reap rewards - in your hands and your mind.
  • Apply every time you wash your hands - keep a bottle by the sink as reminder
  • Squeeze a small amount onto your palm and rotate your hands to circulate evenly.
  • Massage your thumb pads, finger pads and palms - not only to rub in the lotion, but to stimulate the blood flow and hand muscles.
  • Taking time to massage will relax your mind give you chance to be still and breathe - turning an everyday act into a 5 minute health treat.
Give your hands a treat and you will reap the health benefits. Want to see my top 5 hand creams? Click here